0091-807 244 9091 info@kolamyoga.com

Foundation Course – Lesson 4: Padi Kolam – Sun Disc & Swastika


Sun Disc & Swastika



This the fourth and last in the sequence of four video in our basic understanding of the Padi Kolam type. It will direct you to a deepened understanding of the power of the knot/ battery of creation called Brahmas knot! You will learn how to weave the various in crosses formed power knots together into creating sanctuary space for your personal intentions to manifest through you. I take you through Kotree Yoga asanas/ full body movements, mudras/ hand gestures, eye awakening sequence to help you on your path of consciousness.

This class also gives a summary of all that you have learned so far and how to implement its layers into one whole!

I look forward to starting with you the next four sequence, videos 5-6-7-8 of forms and shapes in Kodu Pulli Kolam.

You are most welcome to send images of your Kolam manifestations to info@kolamyoga.com for feedback and support in your learning..

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