Sikku/ Nelly/ Kambi Kolam
Two dimentional images that act like charms to attract and sieve benovolance.

What are Sikku/ Nelly/ Kambi Kolam?
Sikku, word meaning to knot or tie together.. also at times called Nelly, word meaning to loop curve around and/ or encircle.. or even called Kambi, word meaning wire, or thread.. These type of Kolam are made up of lines that weave, meander, and encircle around the dots. The dots are similar to Kodu pulli Kolam placed in templates of NER Pulli : dots aligned in lines straight to each other forming invisible grids of squares. And in templates of IDDIKU Pulli: dots aligned in a zigzag formation creating triangular and hexagonal invisible grids.
These type of Kolam are considered the very true representation of what a Kolam should look like. In that they build magical charms of Maze and Labyrinth like structures that confuse and trap the ignorant and malevolent forces, acting like a sieve to let pass only the conscious and benevolent forces. Learning to execute these type of Kolam help develop fine motor skills, brain synchronize, better focus, reintegrate the physical, emotional and mental capacities to function more harmonious together.

phone: (0091) 8072449091
Sharanga, Auroville
605101 Tamil Nadu