About Grace Gitadelila
Grace her Story,
narrated by Akemi
‘Grace was raised in Pondicherry and lives for many years now in Auroville. Her mother used to run an embroidery studio where work was given to the local women to support their livelihood.
Grace grew up surrounded by the culture of the local Tamilians, and naturally started to draw Kolams from childhood.
At one point, she began to seek more knowledge about the kolams, and realized that there were no publications dedicated to the topic. She has decided to take it up on herself, and is currently working to write a book on the theory/principles of Kolams.
She also teaches Kolam, dance, and yoga with her own approach to these practices.
With Grace, we attempt to draw a kolam using lines which interconnect around the dots.
I witnessed women draw these with ease at the Kolam competition, but you quickly realize that it is not as easy as it looks.
Unless you stay with the awareness of the shapes, the lines get lost midway, and you find yourself searching for the point for your line to meet.
Grace confirms that this is the practice. To observe and think things from multiple angles.
Especially for women, she believes that kolams in itself was a tool of educating them.
With Grace’s help, I managed to connect my lines to create a form. And as I trace the completed geometry with my finger, I get a sense of energy flowing smoothly through me. Engulfed by a drowsiness as if after a massage, I can hear Grace in the distance, “Kolam is a reflection of your inner self”.’

My mission
“I have an unquenchable thirst to learn and grasp what we are made of and how we are in the becoming. Cultural variations and their similarities inspire me. All expression of human behavior and of other living forms on Earth fascinate me, in particular their sound structures and how these characterize into form and shape.
I have dedicated myself to ongoing research of the sacred ancient symbolism of the non-verbal, ephemeral language in images of the Kolam.
My work is layered and filled with its symbolism that speaks of us as being ‘One’.
Aspiring to reconnect with an intention and purpose, ‘like diversity in Human Unity.’
I seek for beauty and harmony through a repeated act of gestures, rhythms, forms and light patterns, that enables me to feel larger than myself and more connected with my environment and allows every individual I encounter to become like mirrors reflecting within me.
I work with all nationalities and their cultures, all age groups, and encourage each individual to express themselves through their authenticity.
To share more the Kolam language; a true ‘Integral Yoga’ of all the senses, carried out as a daily practice, like an offering of gratitude for the already receptive attitude in the many beautiful people I encounter.”

Sharanga, Auroville
605101 Tamil Nadu
phone: (0091) 8072449091